11 Umbrella Instagram Captions - The Instagram Captions


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11 Umbrella Instagram Captions

You can complete your photo of Umbrella by adding a great quote caption from a list of 11 Umbrella instagram captions.

Instagram Captions for Umbrella

  • The mind is like an umbrella. Its most useful when open. -Walter Gropius
  • An open umbrella is just a closed beautiful sky. -Xavier Forneret
  • Let a smile be your umbrella, and you'll end up with a face full of rain. -George Carlin
  • A banker is a fellow who lends you his umbrella when the sun is shining, but wants it back the minute it begins to rain. -Mark Twain
  • We cannot protect ourselves from trouble, but we can dance through the puddles of life with a rainbow smile, twirling the only umbrella we need -- the umbrella of God's love. -Barbara Johnson
  • When you are caught in the heavy rains of anger, open the umbrella of mind, take refuge under the roof of reason! -Mehmet Murat Ildan
  • I really like umbrellas. It's like, I have a roof! I carry it with me! Umbrellas always amuse me. -John Green
  • Worrying is stupid. it's like walking around with an umbrella waiting for it to rain. -Wiz Khalifa
  • She craved a presence beside her, solid. Fingertips light at the nape of her neck and a voice meeting hers in the dark. Someone who would wait with an umbrella to walk her home in the rain, and smile like sunshine when he saw her coming. Who would dance with her on her balcony, keep his promises and know her secrets, and make a tiny world wherever he was, with just her and his arms and his whisper and her trust. -Laini Taylor
  • I judge how much a man cares for a woman by the space he allots her under a jointly shared umbrella. -Jimmy Cannon
  • Life is a shitstorm, in which art is our only umbrella." (spoken by character in a novel by Mario Vargas Llosa) -Mario Vargas Llosa

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