15 Instagram Captions about Paris - The Instagram Captions


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15 Instagram Captions about Paris

Visiting Paris and taking pictures of you but not getting a right caption for it? Here are some cool instagram captions for Paris.

Paris Instagram Captions

  • Paris is a wonderful city. I can’t say I belong to an especially anglophone community. -Marilyn Hacker
  • In Paris, our lives are one masked ball. -Gaston Leroux
  • Being a Parisian is not about being born in Paris, it is about being reborn there. -Sacha Guitry
  • In Paris, you’re as far as possible from the land of pleasant smiles. -Kanye West
  • To study in Paris is to be born in Paris! -Victor Hugo
  • No one has the right to change Paris, the protesters say, and argue that the city is the patrimony of all mankind. -John Vinocur
  • When good Americans die, they go to Paris. -Oscar Wilde
  • There’s something about Paris, people just don’t have anything else do there but love each other. -Louis Garrel
  • In Paris, I really do like to try and do nothing… but that’s impossible. -Christian Louboutin
  • If you have ever walked in Paris, you will see that Paris will ever walk in your memoires! -Mehmet Murat ildan
  • Paris has always seemed … the only city where you can live and express yourself as you please. -Natalie Clifford Barney
  • Another well-known Paris landmark is the Arc de Triomphe, a moving monument to the many brave women and men who have died trying to visit it. -Dave Barry
  • You’ll have to fall in love at least once in your life, or Paris has failed to rub off on you. -E. A. Bucchianeri
  • Paris is a city of gaieties and pleasures, where four fifths of the inhabitants die of grief. -CHAMFORT
  • Good talkers are only found in Paris. -Francois Villon

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