30 Gangster Instagram Captions for Insta - The Instagram Captions


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30 Gangster Instagram Captions for Insta

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Instagram Captions for Gangster

  • Goodfellas
Never rat on your friends, and always keep your mouth shut.
  • Importance of Homie
A brother might not always be a homie, but a homie will always a brother.
  • Thugs Cry
This is what it sounds like When Thugs Cry.
  • Thug Life
Thug life to me is Dead
  • Be Stronger
Dont pray for life to be easier, Pray for your self to be stronger.
  • Gangsta To Me
To me , Rich is Gangsta. Loyal is Gangsta. Family is Gangsta. If that’s not Gangsta, I dont wanna be Gangsta
  • Not Enough
I wasn’t born with enough middle fingers.
  • Better than President
To me being a gangster is better than being president of United States
  • Liberty or Death
Give me liberty or death
  • Know your Strength
You never know how strong you are until being strong is the only choice you have
  • Motivation
Money was never a big motivatio for me, as a way to keep score. The real excitement is playing the game

  • Dreams can Come True
All our dreams can come true if you we have the courage to pursue them
  • Feelings
Damn it feels good to be a gangster
  • I am Gangster
I am a gangster, and gangster dont ask Questions.
  • Fall from Grace
Fight and you’ll never survive, run and you’ll never escape, so just fall from grace
  • Shoot Myself
    If I were a lame, only just for a week. I’d look at myself in the mirror and shoot the first thing i see.
  • Love Your Enemies
Love your enemies and hate your friends, yur enemies remain the same friends always change.
  • Don’t Worry
If people are trying to bring you down it only means that you are above them.
  • Money Respect Power
Money respect power
  • Dont Predict, Create
The best way to predict the future is to creat it
  • Justification
You’re are not wrong for doing what you want.
  • Be Brave
Let us be killed by abullet to uor chest, not in our back.
  • No Limits
The only limitations you have in life are those you set up yourself
  • Personality
Don’t get confused between my personality & my attitude. My personality is who i am, my attitide depends on who you are
  • Thug Life
I didn’t choose the thug life, Thug life chose me
  • Cops are Gang of Themselves
I believe cops are just a gang of themselves with the Good an the Bad
  • Leader’s Importance
The speed of the leader is the speed of the gang
  • Biggie
More money, More problems
  • Bloody Eyes
I’ve got ice in my veins and blood in my eyes
  • Want to be a Gangster
As far back as i look, i always wanted to be a gangster

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