96 Instagram Captions for Guys Pictures - The Instagram Captions


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96 Instagram Captions for Guys Pictures

Get 96 Instagram Captions for Guys Pictures and choose your favorite one for your instagram photo.

Best Instagram Captions for Guys

  • I am who I am, I am what I am, I do what I do and I ain’t never gonna do it any different. I don’t care who likes it and who don’t.
  • The most important thing is to enjoy your life – to be happy – it’s all that matters.
  • Take every chance you get in life, because some things only happen once.
  • I myself never feel that I’m sexy. If people call me cute, I am happier.
  • Women drivers rev my engine
  • I like foodies
  • Hey, I just met you, this is crazy
  • At least this balloon is attracted to me!
  • I must destroy you with hugs and kisses
  • Stop looking for happiness in the same place you just lost it.
  • I woke up like this
  • If we could only turn back time…
  • Keep smiling because life is a beautiful thing and there’s so much to smile about.
  • Beauty is power, a smile is it’s sword
  • My autobiography is this
  • Last day of class
  • Do not take life too seriously. You will never get out of it alive
  • Chilling like a gangster.

Good Instagram Captions for Guys

  • I know I’m lucky that I’m so cute.
  • Some days start better than others.
  • Truth is, I’m crazy for you. And everyone can see that but you.
  • Sometimes life can surprise you with a happy coincidence
  • One does not simply “Let it go”.
  • Is Google a boy or a girl? Obviously a girl because it won’t let you finish your sentence without suggesting other ideas.
  • It’s so beautiful when a boy smiles.
  • Don’t be like the rest of them, darling.
  • Girl, I have to call you back.
  • Have a seat, we were expecting you.
  • I’ve finally counted.
  • OMG that’s so cute.
  • Life isn’t perfect..But my Hair is!
  • If I like my art why should it be anyone else’s decision how “good” or “bad” it is. Art shouldn’t have a grade. If I’m proud of it and what I accomplished why should anyone else tell me it isn’t good enough?

Funny Instagram Captions for Guys

  • I think you are lacking vitamin me!
  • When Instagram was down, I ran around town shouting “like” at flowers, dogs, and expensive brunches.
  • Say “Beer Can” with a British accent. I just taught you to say “Bacon” with a Jamaican accent.
  • I don’t always study, but when I do, I don’t.
  • I’ll never try to fit in. I was born to STAND OUT.
  • So you’re telling me I have a chance.
  • Walking past a class with your friends in it.
  • I’m not saying it was aliens, but it was Aliens!
  • Yea, dating is cool but have you ever had stuffed crust pizza?
  • Started from the bottom now we’re here.
  • Give me the chocolate and nobody gets hurt.
  • So, you’re on Instagram? You must be an amazing photographer.
  • Onions make me sad. A lot of people don’t realize that.
  • Women drivers rev my engine.
  • Oh you’re a model? What’s your agency, Instagram?
  • I liked memes before they were on Instagram
  • Friday, my second favorite F word.
  • If a dentist makes their money from unhealthy teeth, why would I trust a product 4/5 of them recommend?
  • I didn’t choose the thug life, the thug life chose me
  • Weekend, please don’t leave me.
  • Need an ark? I Noah guy.
  • What if I told you, you can eat without posting it on Instagram.
  • I need a six month holiday, twice a year.
  • If I was funny, I would have a good Instagram caption.
  • I don’t always surf the internet, but when I do, eyebrows!
  • A blind man walks into a bar… And a chair… and a table.
  • I had fun once, it was horrible.

Cute Instagram Captions for Guys

  • Always classy, never trashy, and a little bit sassy.
  • Ladies, please.
  • But first, let me take a selfie.
  • Be yourself, there’s no one better.
  • I’m on a date, she isn’t very social.
  • Stay sharp and far from timid.
  • Warning – You might fall in love with me.
  • Be Yourself, everyone else is taken.
  • All I need is Chipotle.
  • Making people unsure about my gender on a daily basis.
  • I broke my own heart just by loving you.
  • I’m your worst nightmare.
  • Love when my bae hugs me like this.
  • Real men don’t take selfies.
  • The question isn’t can you, it’s will you?
  • Girls be like, I love my hair in this pic.
  • I get by with a little help from my friends.
  • “Insert funny caption”
  • Long line at Starbucks, first world problems.
  • Cinderella never asked for a prince.
  • Finals are OVER!!!
  • This is how I look taking a selfie.
  • Fresh out of the shower, no make-up.
  • This is why we can’t have nice things.
  • What do you think of the view?
  • There’s a girl out there with love in her eyes and flowers in her hair.
  • Don’t let your eyes be blinded by her beauty.
  • The Master of Disguise.
  • So, who ate my food?
  • These are the days we live for.
  • This is my town.
  • This is the most magical pic of your life.
  • Exams Over

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