10 Skydiving Instagram Captions for your Insta - The Instagram Captions


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10 Skydiving Instagram Captions for your Insta

Skydiving instagram captions is a must have thing for skydiving photo, just choose one for your photo.

Instagram Captions for Skydiving

  • I've never been skydiving, but I have zoomed-in on Google Earth really fast.
  • Any idiot can fly a plane, but it takes a special kind of idiot to jump out of one.
  • If at first you don't succeed, skydiving is not for you.
  • How does a blind parachutist know when to open his chute? When the lead on his guide dog goes slack.
  • You swallow hard, thinking to yourself, 'It must be all right, thousands of people have done it before.' Then... 'But this time it's me -- that's the difference!' -CHARLES SHEA-SIMONDS
  • You know what they say about skydivers, right? There are old skydivers and bold skydivers, but there are no old, bold skydivers. -JEFF WUORIO
  • If skydiving were safe, the parachute center would not require you to sign a waiver. -DAN POYNTER
  • The skydiving experience isn't without a myriad of perks: you'll receive a photograph of yourself taken upon mid-air exit of the aircraft, with your face hideously contorted into a look of abject horror. You'll also get a personal logbook completed by your instructor charting the details of each jump, and you'll be presented with a much-deserved certificate of achievement. A video service is available too, but best of all, you'll have a sensational reserve of cocktail chatter for months to come! -MATT MARANIAN
  • There is an art ... or rather, a knack to flying. The knack lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss. -DOUGLAS ADAMS
  • Out of ten thousand feet of fall, always remember that the last half inch hurts the most. -CHARLES W. PURCELL
  • Skydiving is a cheap sport to begin, but once it takes hold of you, you'll be spending 20 percent of your income. -ANONYMOUS

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