Instagram Captions for Blood
- The bond that links your true family is not one of blood, but of respect and joy in each other's life. -Richard Bach
- To us, family means putting your arms around each other and being there. -Barbara Bush
- Friendship is the only cement that will ever hold the world together. -Woodrow Wilson
- The language of friendship is not words but meanings. -Henry David Thoreau
- Love is blind; friendship closes its eyes. -Friedrich Nietzsche
- I think we all make our own families, whether they're comprised of blood relations or friends. Some people are lucky and love their families. Others aren't. But whom we spend time with is always a choice. Including our pets. -Jane Cleland
- Never set a child afloat on the flat sea of life with only one sail to catch the wind. -D. H. Lawrence
- It remains unbelievable to me that I have any readers beyond my own blood relations - it's a crazy, wild gift. -Karen Russell
- True kindness is a pure divine affinity, Not founded upon human consanguinity. It is a spirit, not a blood relation, Superior to family and station. -Henry David Thoreau
- From the earliest times the Welsh have been looked upon as an unclean people. It is thus that they have preserved their racial integrity. Their sons and daughters rarely mate with humankind except their own blood relations. -Evelyn Waugh