13 Zig Zag Instagram Captions for IG - The Instagram Captions


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13 Zig Zag Instagram Captions for IG

Zig Zag instagram captions is a must have thing for zig zag photo, just choose one for your photo.

Zig Zag Lines for Instagram Captions

  • "I'm just taking one step at a time. I could zigzag one way, but it's not usually on purpose." -Beck "Life is unrest, and its passage at best a zigzag course, that only straightens to a direct line when viewed across the years." -Elbert Hubbard "The voyage of the best ship is a zigzag line of a hundred tacks." -Emerson
  • "Nor was her love for Udayan recognizable or intact. Anger was always mounted to it, zigzagging through her like some helplessly mating pair of insects. Anger at him for dying when he might have lived. For bringing her happiness, and then taking it away. For trusting her, only to betray her. For believing in sacrifice, only to be so selfish in the end." -Jhumpa Lahiri
  • "I see that the path of progress has never taken a straight line, but has always been a zigzag course amid the conflicting forces of right and wrong, truth and error, justice and injustice, cruelty and mercy." -Kelly Miller
  • "But family life sometimes had a vortex, like weather. It could be like a tornado in a quiet zigzag: get close enough and you might see within it a spinning eighteen-wheeler and a woman." -Lorrie Moore
  • "…I have changed/I am a dandelion puffball blur. My hair,/scribbles of white lines. My face. Lines/crisscross and zigzag my face./My eyes. I am looking into eyes/whose color has turned lighter, hazy brown./Wind and time are blowing me out." –Maxine Hong Kingston" -Maxine Hong Kingston
  • "One Crack On A Mirror Can Ruin The Beauty of It But Most Importantly, It Ruins The Reflection of The Individual, By Making It Twisted, Zigzag And Ugly. Character Is Like A Mirror. So Build Your Character In Such A Way That It Reflects All The Good In Others Who Follows You Or Treat You As An Idol...." -Muhammad Imran Hasan
  • "Nor had she missed when they zigzagged between levels, even though the building was a standard grid of hallways and stairwells. As if she'd lose her bearings that easily.She might have been insulted if he wasn't trying so hard." -Sarah J. Maas
  • "Previous journeys in search of treasure have taught me that a zigzag strategy is the best way to get ahead." -Tahir Shah
  • "Rick Grimes: Where'd you find everyone? Daryl Dixon: Well, those guys' tail lights zigzagging all over the road - figured he had to be Asian, driving like that. Glenn: [chuckles] Good one." -The Walking Dead
  • "Watching middle-class conservatives vote for politicians who've proudly pledged to screw them and their children over fills me with the same exasperated contempt I feel for rabbits who zigzag wildly back and forth in front of my tires instead of just getting off the goddamn road." -Tim Kreider
  • "It was as if someone had taken a tiny bead of pure life and decking it as lightly as possible with down and feathers, had set it dancing and zigzagging to show us the true nature of life." -Virginia Woolf

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