18 Instagram Captions for Black People - The Instagram Captions

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18 Instagram Captions for Black People

Complete your photo by adding an awesome instagram caption to it for black people. Get list of 18 instagram captions for black people.

Black People Instagram Captions

  • Segregation was wrong when it was forced by white people, and I believe it is still wrong when it is requested by black people. -Coretta Scott King
  • The animals of the world exist for their own reasons. They were not made for humans any more than black people were made for white, or women created for men. -Alice Walker
  • Unfortunately, as I tell my white friends, we as black people, we're never going to be successful not because of you white people but because of other black people, -Charles Barkley
  • Black people have always been America's wilderness in search of a promised land. -Cornel West
  • It comes down to this: black people were stripped of our identities when we were brought here, and it's been a quest since then to define who we are. -Spike Lee
  • Reckless capitalism kills black people. -Mos Def
  • If violence is wrong in America, violence is wrong abroad. If it is wrong to be violent defending black women and black children and black babies and black men, then it is wrong for America to draft us, and make us violent abroad in defense of her. And if it is right for America to draft us, and teach us how to be violent in defense of her, then it is right for you and me to do whatever is necessary to defend our own people right here in this country. -Malcolm X
  • At this moment, then, the Negroes must begin to do the very thing which they have been taught that they cannot do. -Carter G. Woodson
  • It is our experience that the nation doesn't move around questions of genuine equality for the poor and for black people until it is confronted massively, dramatically in terms of direct action. -Martin Luther King, Jr.
  • The only thing that white people have that black people need, or should want, is power-and no one holds power forever. -James A. Baldwin
  • Black people dominate sports in the United States. 20% of the population and 90% of the final four. -Chris Rock
  • I don't want to make black people's lives better by giving them somebody else's money; I want to give them the opportunity to go out and earn the money. -Rick Santorum
  • I know I got it made while the masses of black people are catchin' hell, but as long as they ain't free, I ain't free. -Muhammad Ali
  • George Bush doesn't care about black people. -Kanye West
  • My father was a slave and my people died to build this country and I am going to stay here and have a part of it just like you. -Paul Robeson
  • The data is going to indicate sadly that when the Obama administration is over, black people will have lost ground in every single leading economic indicator category.. -Tavis Smiley
  • Some white people hate black people, and some white people love black people, some black people hate white people, and some black people love white people. So you see it's not an issue of black and white, it's an issue of Lovers and Haters. -Eden Ahbez
  • I have no desire to take all black people back to Africa; there are blacks who are no good here and will likewise be no good there. -Marcus Garvey

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