20 Kendall Jenner Lyrics for Instagram Captions - The Instagram Captions


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20 Kendall Jenner Lyrics for Instagram Captions

Looking for best kendall jenner lyrics for instagram captions then here you go, find out one that suits your instagram photo from the list below.

Kendall Jenner Lyrics for Instagram

  • Don't judge someone's attitude until you've felt their pain. -Kendall Jenner
  • It’s crazy to think North West can already read better than Kendall Jenner. -Kendall Jenner
  • I think everyone is beautiful in their own way. -Kendall Jenner
  • You know what they say, dress your best when you go to bed because you don't know who you'll see in your dreams. -Kendall Jenner
  • Someone who wants to be with you, WILL be with you. End of story. -Kendall Jenner
  • I wanted to fly when I was little. I still want to fly. -Kendall Jenner
  • Do your squats eat, your vegetables, wear red lipstick, [and] don't let boys be mean to you. -Kendall Jenner
  • Most days I don't care what I wear. You'll find me in yoga pants, a T-shirt, and sneakers almost every day. My job is to wear something nice when I work, so I enjoy doing it then. But when I don't have to, I'd rather just wear something comfortable. -Kendall Jenner
  • I’m constantly criticised for being too skinny. I’m trying to gain weight but my body won’t let it happen. What people don’t understand is that calling someone too skinny is the same as calling someone too fat, it’s not a nice feeling. -Kendall Jenner
  • I guess my style’s a little edgy but comfortable. I like being comfortable, for sure, and kind of casual. -Kendall Jenner
  • I don't know - I feel like someone would think of me, or anyone in my family, as unappreciative of a moment, and I've really learned to appreciate a moment. I take things in a lot. I'm kind of weird like that. I like to go outside at night by myself and look at the sky and just appreciate it. I'm not that big of a weirdo, but - occasionally. -Kendall Jenner
  • I'm always trying to be nice to my fans, but sometimes it's hard because you're human, and sometimes you have a bad day. Like if you're getting into your car and you don't say hi, all of a sudden you're so mean. There is a balance, for sure. -Kendall Jenner
  • "Dream big, work hard." My parents brought up Kylie [Jenner] and me to be workaholics. That's something I really appreciate. -Kendall Jenner
  • I feel like I grew up too fast a long time ago. -Kendall Jenner
  • I want to be the next Gisele Bundchen . Everything she does, who she is, what she's done, she's just amazing. -Kendall Jenner
  • I'm not super open to new people. I have a small group of people I trust. I'm very intuitive, so I'm good at feeling out how people are, like if they have bad intentions. Sometimes I'm very closed off, which annoys me, but I think it's for the best. -Kendall Jenner
  • I hate when people are chomping their gum, even though I do it. I hate that. -Kendall Jenner
  • Modelling isn't something I'm doing to prove people wrong. It's something I'm doing because it's what I want to do. -Kendall Jenner
  • I used to have the craziest fear of losing teeth. I would have nightmares about that all the time. But it's the craziest thing, because I feel like that's one of the easiest things to fix. You just get veneers or something. -Kendall Jenner
  • When I was little, I would always lie about the stupidest things. In kindergarten or first grade, I would tell people I had tigers living in my attic and a room full of gold. -Kendall Jenner

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