24 Father Son Instagram Captions for your Insta - The Instagram Captions


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24 Father Son Instagram Captions for your Insta

featured imageWhen you are in true love with your father son relation and going to post a picture on instagram, just get a good instagram caption for it too.

Instagram Captions for Father Son Pictures

  • It is a wise father that knows his own child. -William Shakespeare
  • What was silent in the father speaks in the son, and often I found in the son the unveiled secret of the father. -Friedrich Nietzsche
  • If the relationship of father to son could really be reduced to biology, the whole earth would blaze with the glory of fathers and sons. -James A. Baldwin
  • A man knows when he is growing old because he begins to look like his father. -Gabriel Garcia Marquez
  • No love is greater than that of a father for His son. -Dan Brown
  • Perhaps host and guest is really the happiest relation for father and son. -Evelyn Waugh
  • You don't raise heroes, you raise sons. And if you treat them like sons, they'll turn out to be heroes, even if it's just in your own eyes. -Wally Schirra
  • Jim Valvano quote: My father gave me the greatest gift anyone could give another person, he... My father gave me the greatest gift anyone could give another person, he believed in me. -Jim Valvano
  • Praise God, from whom all blessings flow! Praise Him, all creatures here below! Praise Him above, ye heavenly host! Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost! -Thomas Ken
  • My father didn't tell me how to live; he lived, and let me watch him do it. -Clarence Budington Kelland
  • God eternally exists as three persons, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, and each person is fully God, and there is one God. -Wayne Grudem
  • Be careful to leave your sons well instructed rather than rich, for the hopes of the instructed are better than the wealth of the ignorant. -Epictetus
  • When I was a kid, my father told me every day, 'You're the most wonderful boy in the world, and you can do anything you want to.' -Jan Hutchins
  • Trust everybody, but cut the cards. -Finley Peter Dunne
  • I love the comic opportunities that come up in the context of a father-son relationship. -Harrison Ford
  • I cannot think of any need in childhood as strong as the need for a father's protection. -Sigmund Freud
  • Never trust a husband too far, nor a bachelor too near. -Helen Rowland
  • The father of a daughter is nothing but a high-class hostage. A father turns a stony face to his sons, berates them, shakes his antlers, paws the ground, snorts, runs them off into the underbrush, but when his daughter puts her arm over his shoulder and says, 'Daddy, I need to ask you something,' he is a pat of butter in a hot frying pan. -Garrison Keillor
  • I met a girl who sang the blues and I asked her for some happy news, but she just smiled and turned away. And the three men I admire most, The Father, Son, and the Holy Ghost, They caught the last train to the coast The day the music died. -Don McLean
  • One father is enough to govern one hundred sons, but not a hundred sons one father. -George Herbert
  • Trust your own instinct. Your mistakes might as well be your own, instead of someone else's. -Billy Wilder
  • You can do anything you want to do. -Estelle Getty
  • Peace Pilgrim quote: If you realized how powerful your thoughts are, you would never think a... If you realized how powerful your thoughts are, you would never think a negative thought. -Peace Pilgrim
  • We think our father's fools, so wise we grow. Our wiser sons, no doubt will think us so. -Alexander Pope
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