25 Electric Car Instagram Captions - The Instagram Captions


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25 Electric Car Instagram Captions

Here is a list of 25 best instagram captions for electric cars, go ahead choose your favorite one to use in your Image.

Instagram Captions for Electric Car

  • Eric Schmidt looks innocent enough, with his watercolor blue eyes and his tiny office full of toys and his Google campus stocked with volleyball courts and unlocked bikes and wheat-grass shots and cereal dispensers and Haribo Gummi Bears and heated toilet seats and herb gardens and parking lots with cords hanging to plug in electric cars. -Maureen Dowd
  • The time is right for electric cars - in fact the time is critical. -Carlos Ghosn
  • Tomorrow you're all going to wake up in a brave new world, a world where the Constitution gets trampled by an army of terrorist clones, created in a stem-cell research lab run by homosexual doctors who sterilize their instruments over burning American flags. Where tax-and-spend Democrats take all your hard-earned money and use it to buy electric cars for National Public Radio, and teach evolution to illegal immigrants. Oh, and everybody's high! -Stephen Colbert
  • I had never been able to get a car that said how much I cared about the environment until I drove electric. -Alexandra Paul
  • We will introduce an electric car by 2015. It will be a completely new vehicle concept for mega-cities. We would also have it developed if, contrary to expectations, it did not turn a profit in its first life cycle. -Norbert Reithofer
  • I drove an electric car for seven years because of its advanced technology, not because I have any concerns about energy resources. I have none at all. And when environmentalists say that global warming is dangerous, unprecedented and that we'll have a tipping point for atmospheric carbon dioxide, it's just nonsense. -Burt Rutan
  • I bought my first electric car in 1970. Its top speed was 15 mph and it had just a 15 mile range - it was essentially a golf cart with a windshield wiper and a horn. -Ed Begley, Jr.
  • Every day I get to 'Think' and work on everything from digitizing electric grids so they can accommodate renewable energy and enable mass adoption of electric cars, helping major cities reduce congestion and pollution, to developing new micro-finance programs that help tiny businesses get started in markets such as Brazil, India, Africa. -Ginni Rometty
  • Yes, my grandfather worked with Thomas Edison on the electric car, and he sold electric cars at the 1900 World's Fair in Paris. -Al Jardine
  • Production goes up and up because high pressure advertising and salesmanship constantly create new needs that must be satisfied: this is Admass- a consumer's race with donkeys chasing an electric carrot. -J. B. Priestley
  • Electric cars aren't pollution-free; they have to get their energy from somewhere. -Alexandra Paul
  • I think electric cars can help save Detroit. They reflect good decision-making, and there has been bad decision making in the auto industry for so long, in my view. -Chris Paine
  • Obviously the horse can still do things that the gas car can never do, and the gas car will always be able to do things the electric car can't do. But they have really different uses and advantages. -Chris Paine
  • Was it a good idea to spend taxpayer dollars on electric cars in Finland, or on windmills in China? Was it a good idea to borrow all this money from countries like China and spend it on all these various different interest groups? -Paul Ryan
  • It's the same way that when the car got going, people thought it would be an electric car, people thought it would be a steam car. Actually, the dark horse in that race was internal combustion, but because of the energy density of gasoline and discovery of oil in large amounts at that point in first Pennsylvania and then Texas, it won out over those other two, to the point that those other two are actually viewed as obscure footnotes in history. -Bill Gates
  • It's the same way that when the car got going, people thought it would be an electric car, people thought it would be a steam car. -Bill Gates
  • I drive an electric car. -David Duchovny
  • Raising the congestion charge won't necessarily make a difference. Rather than increasing the amount you pay in congestion charge, we should be thinking about an ultra low emission zone. We should penalise those cars who are the biggest polluters and reward cars that don't, like electric cars. -Sadiq Khan
  • I think with more electric vehicles on the road, hopefully we'll still be able to drive some fantastic sports cars with big V8s, or V10s, or even V12s. Why not? If we can find a way to balance the automotive world, where ultimately, when we have most of the commuters drive electric cars, then we won't really have any issue with some sports cars driving around. -Henrik Fisker
  • We're still promoting stupid wasteful behavior in agribusiness - everything from ethanol production for cars to genetically modified crops. In commerce just about everything we do politically is in the service of WalMart and the systems tied to it. In transportation, we could, for instance, have compelled General Motors to produce railroad rolling stock as a condition of their bail-out, but we didn't do that. Instead, we're chasing the phantom of electric cars - and, believe me, we are going to be mortally disappointed how that works out. -James Howard Kunstler
  • By 1990 I went back to no gasoline; I was just riding around on my bike, taking the bus. I had a tiny little electric car that didn't go very far or very fast. People thought I'd lost my mind. Even my own family thought I'd lost my mind. -Ed Begley, Jr.
  • I probably wouldn't be a good spokesman for an electric car, because I'll still get on a private jet, and one flight on a private jet undoes all my electric-car good deeds. -George Clooney
  • Electric cars are going to be very important for urban transportation. -Carlos Ghosn
  • Electric cars are not going to take the market by storm, but it's going to be a gradual improvement. -Carlos Ghosn
  • Cars have a large engine in the front and you have a gearbox, which is cumbersome. Electric cars don't have this problem. The motor is much smaller, the battery is below you. This will allow you to play with different shapes. -Carlos Ghosn

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