Instagram Captions for Memorial Day
- “Land of the free, home of the buzzed.”
- “Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.” — John FKennedy
- “Red, white, and brew.”
- “I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country.” — Nathan Hale
- “This land was made for you and me.” — Woody Guthrie
- A picture of a young, beautiful black woman outside, possibly by a beachThe wind is blowing her hair out of her faceShe's looking off to the side into the distanceShe's wearing a patriotic red white and blue tank top, and she has an American flag design wrap that she's holding up almost like a cape or a wrap. -Suprijono Suharjoto
- “Red, white, and buzzed.” — Unknown
- “Land of the free because of the brave.” — Unknown
- “We don't know them all, but we owe them all.” — Unknown
- “Chill out with your grill out.” — Unknown
- “In memory of many, in honor of all.” — Unknown
- A woman who is walking away from the camera on the beach, holding an American flag high over her headShe's wearing a black tank top and blue shortsShe has long black hair. -Alexey Kuzma
- “Thank you to the brave men and women who fought for my right to indepen-dance.” — Unknown
- “From every mountainside, let freedom ring.” — Samuel FSmith
- “Time to get star spangled hammered.” — Unknown
- “There is nothing nobler than risking your life for your country.” — Nick Lampson
- “Red, wine, and blue.” — Unknown
- An overhead picture of a girl holding a tiny American flag, she has patriotic red white and blue nail designs. -Carolyn Lagattuta
- “The average American is nothing if not patriotic.” — Herbert Croly
- “I'm a yankee doodle doggy.” — Your adorable pup, obviously.
- “Patriotism is like charity; it begins at home.” — Henry James
- “Raised on Biggie and Nirvana, we are the new Americana.” — Halsey
- “I have long believed that sacrifice is the pinnacle of patriotism.” — Bob Riley