10 Vintage Instagram Captions you can Use - The Instagram Captions


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10 Vintage Instagram Captions you can Use

Photos of vintage lovers does not look good without a perfect caption. Vintage instagram captions are here for your pictures.

Instagram Captions for Vintage Photos

  • “He made me feel unhinged . . . like he could take me apart and put me back together again and again.” ? Chelsie Shakespeare
  • “He would reach for me in the middle of the night, nearly every single night, wrapping one of those solid arms around my waist and pulling me in close. So. Close.” ? Chelsie Shakespeare, The Pull
  • “In my life long study of human beings, I have found that no matter how hard they try, they have found no way yet to prevent the arrival of Monday morning. And they do try, of course, but Monday always comes, and all the drones have to scuttle back to their dreary workday lives of meaningless toin and suffering.” ? Jeff Lindsay, Dexter in the Dark
  • “Feeling - what authentic human fun!” ? Jeff Lindsay, Dexter in the Dark
  • “I've no idea when I'm going to wear it, the girl replied calmly. I only knew that I had to have it. Once I tried it on, well... She shrugged. The dress claimed me.” ? Isabel Wolff, A Vintage Affair
  • “Rectory always sounded to me like a place you would find a proctologist.” ? Jeff Lindsay, Dexter in the Dark
  • “I don't think that science and the paranormal have to be at war; in fact, it's crucial that they work together. It seems naïve to believe that the world is exactly as it seems.” ? Chelsie Shakespeare, The Pull
  • “The longer I lived, the longer it would be until I saw him alive again, until I could taste his new lips and run my fingers through his new hair. We could be young and beautiful again . . .” ? Chelsie Shakespeare, The Pull
  • “I seem to know all the cliches, but not how to put them together in a believable way. Or else these stories are terrible and grandiose precisely because all the cliches intertwine in an unrealistic way and you can't disentangle them. But when you actually live a cliche, it feels brand new, and you are unashamed.” ? Umberto Eco

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