25 Instagram Captions for Crush - The Instagram Captions


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25 Instagram Captions for Crush

For your crush photos you must need a right instagram captions to post it rightly on instagram. Here are some best instagram captions for cursh.

Crush Instagram Captions for Her/Him

  • You can't be real. May I pinch you to see if I'm dreaming?
  • The fate of love is that it always seems too little or too much.
  • Because of you, half the time I don't even know that I'm smiling.
  • It's not that I'm afraid of telling you how I feel about you, I'm afraid of how you will react.
  • Can I check your pockets I think you stole my heart!
  • Somethings have to remain a secret but you and I don't
  • You are my first and last thought of everyday, and everyone in between <3 li="">
  • Whenever I get a text from you I break out into smiles :-)
  • Maybe, just a little... I could possibly be... falling for you. <3 li="">
  • Crushes are more beautiful than affairs because there is no responsibility, no worry, no commitment. Just look at your crush and smile like an idiot.
  • I build myself up when I'm alone, but when the moment comes and you look at me with those eyes I can't remember what I'm doing.
  • I've found this new disease. Its called LOVE. I know its contagious because you gave it to me.
  • You know that feeling when your head says no but your heart says yes? It's wrong but it feels so right? I wish we could be together.
  • Love is gambling, not with money but with your heart. You can always get money back, but you might not get your heart back.
  • I want to tell you how I feel but I don't want to wreck the friendship we already have <3 li="">

Crush Instagram Captions for him

  • When you are online, I stare at your name waiting for you to say 'Hi'
  • I love it when I catch you looking at me then you smile and look away.
  • It's so hard having a huge crush on someone you know you'll never have.
  • I just want to hold your hand, even if it gets sweaty, and waste Friday nights watching really lame movies with you.
  • If fear don't exist, I'd run up to you, kiss you and tell you that I love you.
  • People always ask, 'Do you still like him? Honestly, I don't really know. But, I do know these's just something about him I can't let go.
  • The best feeling is when you look at him. He is already staring.
  • She's not the only girl in the universe, but she's the only one that matters.
  • I'm jealous of the people who get to see you everyday.
  • You're the one that I stay up all night thinking about, coming up with cute things that I wish could happen.

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