25 Pasta Instagram Captions for Pasta Lovers - The Instagram Captions


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25 Pasta Instagram Captions for Pasta Lovers

featured imagePhotos of pasta lovers does not look good without a perfect caption. Pasta instagram captions are here for your pictures.

Instagram Captions for Pasta

  • In heaven, after antipasti, the first course will be pasta. -Steve Albini
  • Life is a combination of magic and pasta. -Federico Fellini
  • When I'm in Italy on a Friday night, my first supper there is a big bowl of fresh pasta and a glass of local wine, sitting outside.
  • There's nothing better. -Alan Titchmarsh
  • You can buy a good pasta but when you cook it yourself it has another feeling. -Agnes Varda
  • As long as there's pasta and Chinese food in the world, I'm okay.- Michael Chang
  • Pasta is my favorite comfort food, but sometimes my body really wants a steak, and I'll have one. -Donna Karan
  • I'd like to thank Dariel pasta. -Phil Baroni
  • Pasta doesn't make you fat. How much pasta you eat makes you fat. -Giada De Laurentiis
  • Pasta with melted cheese is the one thing I could eat over and over again. -Yotam Ottolenghi
  • If I start feeling down I'll gorge myself on pasta. That usually does the trick. It's the Italian blood in me. -Natalie Imbruglia
  • Life is not worth living if I cannot have pasta or bread again. -Monica Seles
  • I'd much rather eat pasta and drink wine than be a size 0. -Sophia Loren
  • In order to create a little bit of confidence, start cooking with pasta. Pasta is phenomenal. Once you've cooked pasta properly for the first time it becomes second nature. -Gordon Ramsay
  • Everything you see I owe to spaghetti. -Sophia Loren
  • I was told to stay away from pasta and bread for two weeks. Not eating pasta? That'll kill me. Anything else, but why pasta? - Tommy Lasorda
  • Pasta is the one food I can't live without. It's the food I eat to fuel my running. -Joe Bastianich
  • Carbs - especially pasta - are the fuel my body needs to maintain an athletic lifestyle. -Joe Bastianich
  • What does Karl Marx put on his pasta? Communist Manipesto! -Stephen Colbert
  • I'd take pasta over skinny any day. More importantly, I'd take health over looks. -Kathryn Budig
  • Life is too short, and I'm Italian. I'd much rather eat pasta and drink wine than be a size 0. -Sophia Bush
  • And what, for instance, would have happened had Romeo and Juliet lived to middle age, their silhouettes broadened by pasta? -Anita Loos
  • The perfect lover is one who turns into a pizza at 4:00 A.M. -Charlie Pierce
  • My favourite food at the moment is Pasta, “with tons of shaved Parmesan on the side. Not crumbly but like the hunks, you know what I mean when you get the thin slices. -Kirsten Dunst
  • Want me to warm up the sauce?” “Do we do that? I mean, it’s in a jar, right? Can’t you just dump it over the pasta?” “Well, you can, but it tastes better if you warm it up.” “Oh.” Eve sighed. “This is complicated. No wonder I never cook. -Rachel Caine
  • When an Italian tells me it's pasta on the plate, I check under the sauce to make sure. -Alex Ferguson
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