51 Instagram Captions for Boyfriends - The Instagram Captions


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51 Instagram Captions for Boyfriends

featured imageFor your photos with your awesome boyfriend you must need a right instagram captions to post it rightly on instagram. Here are some great instagram captions your boyfriend.

Sweet Instagram Captions for Boyfriend

  • Give me long hugs, always.
  • Be my partner in crime.
  • He calls me beautiful like it’s my name.
  • I don’t think you understand how easily you make my day.
  • Thank you for reminding me what butterflies feel like.
  • You just put your arms around me and I’m home.
  • I can’t lose you, because if I ever did I’d have lost my best friend, my soulmate, my smile, my laugh, my everything.
  • Sometimes I look at you and wonder how I got to be so damn lucky.
  • I don’t know what my future holds, but I’m hoping you’re in it.
  • I looked at him as a friend until I realized I loved him.
  • I got lost in him and it’s the kind of lost that’s exactly like being found.
  • Everything I’ve never done, I want to do with you.
  • I’m high on loving you.
  • He makes you smile so much your cheeks hurt.
  • It’s been occurring to me I’d like to hang out with you for my whole life.
  • He’s like a song she can’t get out of her head.
  • True love is when you are happy spending time together, even if one of you is asleep.
  • You’re that type of guy I love more than anything.
  • Putting your head on his shoulder and he kisses the top of your head.
  • You are my favorite distraction.
  • I still fall for you every day.
  • I set my standards high, and you still flew over them.
  • I smile like an idiot when I think about you.
  • Be with someone who always wants to know how your day was.
  • Smiling the second you see his name pop up on your phone.
  • You know you’re in love when you can’t fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams.

Funny Instagram Captions for Boyfriend

  • When my boyfriend met my mom for the first time, he shook her hand and said, “Hi, I’m a big fan of your work.”
  • I could lay next to you forever—or until we decide to go eat.
  • Let’s cuddle so I can steal your body heat.
  • I broke up with my boyfriend because he insulted my dog. Nobody insults my dog.
  • He’s cute, huh? Yeah, he’s mine and I’m psycho. Just sayin’.
  • When I first saw you, I fell in love. Well, not love love… but you smelled nice.
  • There’s no one I’d rather lie in bed and look at my phone with.
  • Love is being stupid together.
  • You’re cute—and if anyone tells you otherwise, let me know and I will light them on fire.
  • Being with you has made me so lame I think I like it.
  • Sometimes I wonder how you put up with me. Then, I remember: oh, I put up with you. So, we’re even.
  • They say long-distance relationships will teach you to communicate well… So, we should be mind-readers by now.
  • Stick with the man who stuck by you when your hair wasn’t done.
  • My boyfriend and I are secretly dating. Very, very secretly. Even he doesn’t know.
  • You text him, he doesn’t text back. He was obviously so excited that you texted him that he fainted.

Boyfriend Appreciation Instagram Captions

  • Just with his smile he makes me blush like an idiot
  • Love you then, love you still, always have, always will
  • He calls me beautiful like it’s my name
  • Our journey isn’t perfect, but it’s ours. I’ll still with you until the end
  • You just put your arms around me and I’m home
  • You’re my favorite place to go to when my mind searches for peace
  • You’re my definition of perfect
  • I really do have the best boyfriend ever
  • You never leave my mind, even when I have a million things to worry about
  • Since you’ve been around I smile a lot more than I used to
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